Kadokawa's Comic Clear web manga, announced on September 18 that it will begin serializing a manga based on the game Hiroyuki Kanno's Kono Yo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shōjo YU-NO (YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. ) this fall. Soji Ishida will draw manga.
Preview from the website:
MAGES. and 5PB. Will release a remake of the game in Japan for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on November 17 which was originally scheduled for release on February 18, but was postponed because it increases the quality of the game and perform code inspections ethics (CERO, Japan's rating board, had not yet rated the game as of last December).
Eri Sasaki who will sing the opening theme song titled "recalling" for the game, and will also feature the players:
Yuu Hayashi as Takuya Arima
Maaya Uchida as Kanna Hatano
Saori Onishi as Mitsuki Ichijo
Rie Kugimiya as Mio Shimazu
Yu Kobayashi as Eriko Takeda
Rena Maeda as Kaori Asakura
Kaori Nazuka as Ayumi Arima
MAGES former president Chiyomaru Shikura as executive producer, and former Cave producer Makoto Asada as producing the project. Ryo Nagi (Ar Tonelico, Steel Chronicle) as the character designer, and a remake of the original creator credit Hiroyuki Kanno (EVE Burst Error) for the script. Kanno died in 2011, a few months after the composer YU-NO and EVE Burst Error Ryu Umemoto also died.
The original work, the claim in 1996 for the PC-98 platform inspired four sections 1998-1999 adult anime games YU-NO. 5PB. then release the game for the Sega Saturn in 1997 and for Windows PC in 2000.