(Eng) Anime Girl Battle High School Would Air In Summer.

The Battle Girl Fes. Events Dai-Shinju-Sai announced on Sunday that the anime COLOPL of smartphone game High School Girl Battle role-playing game will be aired on television this summer.

This event also ended up with a few other announcements. Comptiq magazine February issue of Kadokawa will cover the first series with an interview with Aoi Yuki (Sadone) and other content. The magazine will also bundle a 68-page books are visual supplements. 4-panel manga Battle Girl High School made Makoto Sakurai, will be extended for everyday life Hoshimori is not included in the game itself. The staff is planning to create a new main story in the game in February.

Action role-playing game is set in the year 2045. The world has been contaminated by Irōsu (mysterious invaders who suddenly appears), and people find themselves constrained and contaminated. Courageous stand against the invaders This is the typical girl, without a strong army or even weapons. The Shinjugammine Girl's Academy is a school for "Hoshimori" (Guardian Star) destined to fight Irōsu. Players are assigned in this academy to train children and take back the contaminated earth.

COLOPL released the game as a free app (with the purchase of in-game items) for iOS and Android in April 2015.

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